So this being my final academic week before exams I would just love to let you all know that my revision is going swimmingly. But then of course I would be lying. I have in fact spent my afternoon having an intense pillow fight and seeing just how far you have to go into YouTube to find a decent female hip-hop artist. But I digress, it's not my search for women's answer to Tyler the creator I am worried about, it is my sheer lack of intellectual drive. It’s not that I don't want to learn... it's just whenever I start to read anything relevant it's like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics, I just can't make sense of it. So then my brain goes:
Egyptian hieroglyphics - Egyptian hip-hop - OFWGKTW
And the search began. Another point is that I am just too darn excited about my last day. I am wishing away the days of this week, days that are seriously needed for revision. I don't really care, a homeless man told me my booty rivals j-lo so I personally think I'm set?
I haven't had a rant in a while so I thought I'd start with cosmetic surgery. Now in a lesson this week a very good friend of mine started up a conversation about boob jobs. Well she was saying that she would actually quite like to have one, and by the end of the lesson she had every girl on our table wanting one too. A boy sitting with us found it repulsive that we even thought we needed one, but how could be not? The media in this era is riddled with the perfect ideal of how a woman should look. Now as a person who appreciates womanly form (from an artistic perspective only, thankyou.) I understand why that body type is attractive, and I see how it is nowhere near realistic. I don't mean to be prejudice toward the stereotypically perfect person, and if you are reading this I apologise, I just don't think said person exists. People are beautiful how they are and shouldn't resort to any kind of medical procedure to "better" themselves, and I think that its appalling that they can so easily. That a sixteen year old girl - who I would like to point out is a stunnah - can know so much about the steps involved to undergo cosmetic surgery, well quite frankly it sickens me. I this plastic surgery is an amazing advance in medicine for help with burns, scars, disfigurements etc. but I do not think it should be available for reasons like this. Just sayin'. I appear to have gone a bit over the top but I know you love it so it's all good.
My authority issues got the better of me this week, provoking many an argument and that brings us to; conceited people. Otherwise known as those people with massive metal rods up their anal passageways. I just can't stand those people who they are better than EVERYONE else, especially if they have no valid reason. If I was a master pianist and I thought I was better than a sub-par pianist then that would be justified (although modesty is attractive). But some people think because they are seen as being higher on 'the social ladder' it gives them the right to look down on everyone else. Well it may work in a beautifully metaphorical way lads, but not in real life. In real life you are rude, arrogant, self-centred, conceited, egotistic, gratified, obsequious, self-contented, self-pleased, self-possessed and a cunt. You bully those who you value under yourself when the only reason they are viewed to be there is because they never needed to validate themselves with the glamour you appear to posses. Because they can achieve more than you ever could, on what they have accomplished alone. And that is why in ten years time you will be working for them.
Remember children, bullying isn't nice. And Lucy should not be allowed to blog to music because she gets too angry. Luckily I can always keep a level head; now fuck off you festering turds.
oh and if you do find a female worthy of tupac's left nut. let me know.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Never Bullshit a Bullshitter.
Hello children. I could start as i usually do by making awkward and untrue statements about how i've been miles too busy to blog ect. ect. but i won't. You deserve better than that, in fact i shall bestow upon you the entire truth. I just couldn't be fucked. Yes i have been busy, and yes i haven't had much time but that is no excuse, some Gandhi type once said that we make time for the things we truly love so i guess i just don't love blogging. It's not like i don't love all of you, you're stella folk, i just have a life outside of these cyber-realms. To be honest i'd be more worried if my blog was what i live for. I've strayed from the point again. I have finished my exams now, and i am 100% free to do what i like, which brings me to my first point - freedom.
Recently i've been reading a Japanese book entitled 'Stolen' it is the story of a group of people all living in the heart of Tokyo who are all somehow connected to the sex trafficking rink. This book has got me thinking a lot about the ties that bound us, whether we are physical prisoners, emotional prisoners - bound by threats or responsibilities - or whether we just feel like prisoners for no accountable reason. I think we all wait for freedom, the weekend, our holidays, when we leave home, after university, and i think eventually we'll discover that we had freedom all along and just never noticed. That is why i have decided to make the most of my summer, my freedom. There are so many people in the world who have never and will never know what freedom is, and i am truly sorry for them. So don't sleep till noon, don't wish the days away, walk more, skinny dip, just do something you know you shouldn't because you don't know how quickly your youth will fade. And that is my over-baring self-assured and not at all factual opinion for the day.
Another thing that has been much on my mind recently is the Casey Anthony trial. For those of you who haven't heard about this yet it is a case in which Casey, a single mother, has been accused of drugging her two-year-old daughter, suffocating her and then dumping her body in the woods behind her house. Casey is on trial for death row. I personally do not agree with the death penalty, a lot of people from both the US and the UK don't, and yet it is still enforced by law in some cases in America. I think that there are lots of insinuating circumstances surrounding this trial, some people head to drastic, and yes un-called for, solutions when they feel trapped. Let's say there were similar punishments. Like, if you commit manslaughter you lose a limb? Or you rape someone and you're castrated. The idea that the state can take a life for another life taken just seems damn hypocritical to me. I'm not saying that people shouldn't be punished, i'm just saying euthanasia is not the answer. An eye for an eye just makes the whole world blind. And a murder for a murder just makes the justice system a cunt.
The final point i'd like to make is with the issue of trust. People say that i am a difficult person to trust, and i have difficulty trusting others. And they would be entirely right. The point i make to myself is that every time i do put my trust in someone, no matter how long they have been loyal to me, the moment they screw up i no longer care about the years of good and just entirely focus on their folly. I wish i wasn't doomed to be a one-man-wolf pack but the way i'm heading i will have no one to trust but myself, and that's no way to live. The general theme of today's blog has been freedom and i want the freedom to lean on my friends, and the ability to know i am safe to do so. I guess it's just because the first time i trusted someone with everything they left me, and i don't know how to bounce back from that. If you want to be able to trust people you need to know that there may be times where they let you down, you need to be prepared. But you can't just sit by the metaphorical fuck-up phone with the sixth-sense knowledge that it'll ring, you need to learn to trust those you trust. I hope i am not going to become one of those people who anticipates the worst, i want to hope for the best.
I feel like somewhat of a nonce talking about not wasting time and seizing the day as i am currently sat in what could be mistaken as the site of a WW3 bomb attack, or the bat cave. So i will love you and leave you members of the internet. I have a summer to start.
Recently i've been reading a Japanese book entitled 'Stolen' it is the story of a group of people all living in the heart of Tokyo who are all somehow connected to the sex trafficking rink. This book has got me thinking a lot about the ties that bound us, whether we are physical prisoners, emotional prisoners - bound by threats or responsibilities - or whether we just feel like prisoners for no accountable reason. I think we all wait for freedom, the weekend, our holidays, when we leave home, after university, and i think eventually we'll discover that we had freedom all along and just never noticed. That is why i have decided to make the most of my summer, my freedom. There are so many people in the world who have never and will never know what freedom is, and i am truly sorry for them. So don't sleep till noon, don't wish the days away, walk more, skinny dip, just do something you know you shouldn't because you don't know how quickly your youth will fade. And that is my over-baring self-assured and not at all factual opinion for the day.
Another thing that has been much on my mind recently is the Casey Anthony trial. For those of you who haven't heard about this yet it is a case in which Casey, a single mother, has been accused of drugging her two-year-old daughter, suffocating her and then dumping her body in the woods behind her house. Casey is on trial for death row. I personally do not agree with the death penalty, a lot of people from both the US and the UK don't, and yet it is still enforced by law in some cases in America. I think that there are lots of insinuating circumstances surrounding this trial, some people head to drastic, and yes un-called for, solutions when they feel trapped. Let's say there were similar punishments. Like, if you commit manslaughter you lose a limb? Or you rape someone and you're castrated. The idea that the state can take a life for another life taken just seems damn hypocritical to me. I'm not saying that people shouldn't be punished, i'm just saying euthanasia is not the answer. An eye for an eye just makes the whole world blind. And a murder for a murder just makes the justice system a cunt.
The final point i'd like to make is with the issue of trust. People say that i am a difficult person to trust, and i have difficulty trusting others. And they would be entirely right. The point i make to myself is that every time i do put my trust in someone, no matter how long they have been loyal to me, the moment they screw up i no longer care about the years of good and just entirely focus on their folly. I wish i wasn't doomed to be a one-man-wolf pack but the way i'm heading i will have no one to trust but myself, and that's no way to live. The general theme of today's blog has been freedom and i want the freedom to lean on my friends, and the ability to know i am safe to do so. I guess it's just because the first time i trusted someone with everything they left me, and i don't know how to bounce back from that. If you want to be able to trust people you need to know that there may be times where they let you down, you need to be prepared. But you can't just sit by the metaphorical fuck-up phone with the sixth-sense knowledge that it'll ring, you need to learn to trust those you trust. I hope i am not going to become one of those people who anticipates the worst, i want to hope for the best.
I feel like somewhat of a nonce talking about not wasting time and seizing the day as i am currently sat in what could be mistaken as the site of a WW3 bomb attack, or the bat cave. So i will love you and leave you members of the internet. I have a summer to start.
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