Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Never settle in the country.

I want to be in Russia. It's a very strange and equally unimportant thought but i felt i should break my usual generic blogging habits and start with a statement. I just want to be in Russia. I want my breath to rise is an almost opaque haze, i want to endlessly gaze at the mounds of snow and never have to worry when they'll melt, i want to eat pelimi with my koyla's in the town square and i want to be able to drink vodka and smoke freely with no judgement. However i am in england. England - where the weather doesn't know what to be, and neither do the people. I would be slightly less bitter, but the cardboard box i'm sitting on is causing me discomfort. After much deliberation i have finally arrived in Earnley. If you haven't got the foggiest where that is please do not feel uneducated, it's not even on google maps. To my great disappointment i am not actually disappointed in my new pad/crib/digs/abode/dwelling ect. In fact i've grown rather fond of the place, if you ignore the fleets of spiders and creepy corridors.
  Don't get me wrong, i have a lot to complain about. I just thought i'd start with a positive. I don't know if it's all the clear energy produced by the hundreds of pensioners accepting death or the fact i have a graveyard in my back yard, but things seem pretty deep recently. I no longer care about things, little things i mean, i guess i just always thought that i had to have control over everything. This recent slight (major) change to 'the plan' has showed me just how little we can control, and i am fine with it. Silver linings, and icing on cakes or something equally as fluffy. I think it's all just a manifestation of the fact that i just can't be fucked any more. For example, today, instead of getting the train when i was supposed to i went to macdonalds and had a lovely three hour catch up with a friend and ended up being so late i'd missed the last bus. My nan turned up half an hour later in a horrific mood. I told her to 'chill the fuck out man' so she left me on the side of my road. 6 miles from my house. 3 Marlboro reds and 2 blisters later i rounded the corner and ended up in a church yard. I sat alongside the graves just thinking for at least an hour before i realized i was behind my house. I have come to realize that if you let things be, they'll be what you want them to. Even if it looks a little different.
   I have also noticed that about people lately. Sometimes, as human beings, we judge others. Shocking i know but it is a very common ailment, i frequently find myself doing it. I find that sometimes people disassociate themselves with others simply because of hearsay. I have done it in the past. But sometimes the people you least expect are the ones you connect with the most. Even if you never admit it to others at least accept it yourself, because finding someone who gets you is very rare. Especially if you're as warped and impossible as me. My advice? Do anything you can to keep them. And steal a few hairs while you're at it, just in case i perfect the cloning process.
  I have to get up in four hours. The things i do for you people. Who am i kidding, no one reads this thing. I am going to play dead island, not for any quirky reason. I am going to go play it because i have built up a murderous desire with all this 'spiritual harmony' bullshit i've been spewing and need to take it out on the reborn corpses of australian tourists. I feel a Charles Wittman episode coming on.

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