Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Never forget where you're coming from.

I know you were all waiting with bated breath over my four-day weekend but you can inhale deeply my loves. I am here. Now over my long absence I realised that I very rarely stick to anything I say I will, but I will try my very dandiest to stick to this, at least 5 times a week.
  As a woman of a stern moral background I’d like to start by saying that I am uncomfortably aware of how dreadful the situation in Japan is, and how anything I say in this blog when compared with that will seem insensitive and cruel. Doing anything that isn’t a direct help to that great nation seems like a waste of energy. However we who are relatively distant from the horrible events must continue with life and not dwell on the situation. And on that note, I'd like to talk about; origins.
  My followers and anyone who reads this pile of wank will know that my family is distantly Asian, my grandmother is Chinese. In fact my family can be somehow slot into most ethnicities and nationalities, in other words; my ancestors got around. Despite my exotic background I have never felt a particular strong urge to find out anything about it, I am from where I’ve been, where I’ve lived, and that's all that matters to me. But recently I’ve noticed that I have an abnormally large amount of Irish friends. Not just general Irish friends but friends from places like 'Cork' and 'Killarney'. Who knew such places existed? Let alone people actually went there? I thought when people went to Ireland they all just sat in Dublin with their nans and drank hard water tea. But apparently not. I'm not intending to be racist, in fact apparently I love the Irish as every friend I have is from there, but I just find it odd that people who originated from the same general country or place can have such different dialects and backgrounds. My mum for instants constantly fluctuates between what she believes to be ‘proper English’ and her heavy welsh accent.
   Another thing my mum constantly does is forget about me. Last week I popped into a friend’s for a little chat and ended up staying till 10pm. I arrived home expecting to have to blurt out some sob story and instead discover that my sole carer thought I’d been upstairs since she returned at 3 and was just upset. Two things: 1. she’d put my dinner in the oven so I could eat it when I felt better. Meaning she hadn’t checked on me to ask. 2. When I actually am upset she’s Miss-fucking-attentive, she makes me answer a question a millisecond until I eventually die of breath-loss. My all time favourite mummery loss moment was when she forgot to leave a key out for me and my brand new friend. This girl had never been to my house before and I wanted to make a good impression, so I cleaned my room, left some food for us when we got home, fresh sheets, the whole shebang. My mum’s only job was to leave a key so that when we stumbled home at 4am we wouldn’t have to attempt a break in, pee in an alley, and eventually climb over a fence and break in the side door. Luckily we had potato smilies when we finally entered my abode so all was well. Once again I proved to be the semi-responsible being in our relationship.
  Oh responsibilities. As I am growing ever older they are starting to mount upon me. I’ve never been the kind to face my responsibilities head on but instead trick them with many mirrors and costume changes. This has so far proved to be not a very useful tactic. I am always late, dead-lines, appointments, ofthepier. I am painfully lazy, I never do anything I don’t want or have to do. And I’m indecisive when it comes to insignificant decisions. Although these all might seem like terrible qualities when you really think about it I’m useful when it counts and I can be ace in a crisis. And that’s all that matters to me hence, because I’m selectively lazy as I said; I’ll leave it at that.
   It’s easy to say don’t sweat the little things but we all do, and that won’t stop. Even with events all around us providing panorama we’re all still shamelessly self-involved. It’s not always a bad thing though, oh dear no. Selfless people get washed away by their own bottled up troubles where as selfish people are shallow, so they never drown. I’m not condoling egoistic behaviour in the slightest; I’m simply saying that you should take a little time for yourself and find a good balance in the battle of You vs. The World. I- for example, am not going to load the dishwasher and will instead watch crap TV and take a bubble bath. Because I feel I’ve been a little too benevolent today.

If you’re feeling liberal –



  1. I'm going to start..
    Unfortunately I'm also slightly enraged on my first. So well. Yes.

  2. 'selectively lazy' - i like that.

  3. "I am painfully lazy, I never do anything I don’t want or have to do. And I’m indecisive when it comes to insignificant decisions."

    Oh How I Empathise with this: I've spent 10 minutes before trying to decide between a Caramel or Aero Bubbles.

    Note how often I blog? A result of my ridiculous amounts of free time and my procrastination of work.

  4. 'selfish people are shallow so they never drown' love thaat, and cork ftw:)

  5. ella you better follow me you nob. and america is where the truely great come from
