I'm sure popular culture dictates I should start by saying a few words about myself, but isn't learning the little things over time how we fall in love? And oh how I want you to love me.
Instead, I will tell you about my friends. My friend has decided that giving up alcohol would be a brilliant idea for lent, that's a lovely thought, but taking into the fact we're 17 makes it somewhat disturbing. Personally I think that at such an age of infinite possibilities it is in fact possible to have a good time without getting 'absolutely wankered' but needless to say even a intellectual being such as myself enjoys the odd mad one. The fact is that when they announced this to my chums there was a ripple of disgust, we (myself included) were astounded that someone would even consider 40 days without even a drop of fun juice. Does that make us alcoholics? I think so. If we were middle aged or in the US this would be seen as a serious problem, but as we are adolescents living in the capitol of binge drinking we continued to scoff at our sober friend. I do however wish her luck, and will update you of her progress.
Another thing that annoys me about British teens today is their complete devotion to sarcasm. Today we all went over to my best friend's and ate a fuck load of pancakes. What started out as a nice friendly afternoon soon became a blood bath of people's past embarrassments and heartaches. How is it that something you did once and seemed harmless can become so soul crushing when given to a mate as ammunition? There were jokes about boyfriends, in front of the boyfriends. Jokes about sex, in front of those involved. And jokes about being a hipster, in front of hipsters. I just don't understand why when the 'banter' is aimed at someone else it's hilarious, but when it's coming your way you want nothing more than to curl up and die and yet we all carry on and give it out like we don't know it's coming straight back. There is also the question of how to know when you've gone too far because it seems that whenever i attempt a light hearted sarcy joke no matter what I say the mood suddenly changes and it becomes apparent that i went 'Too far Lucy, too far.'.
Speaking of taking things too far, Facebook. When did it become okay to upload horrific pictures of people for other's amusement? I recently had some very lovely pictures of me and a 'you could say' friend uploaded. They weren't at all flattering and to be frank they were down right cringey. Aside from fuelling jokes amongst my group for the next decade they had no practical purpose other than to piss me and the other person involved off. So why do people do it? Why go through the effort and time just to make people feel bad? That's cyber bullying right there. I enjoy a good laugh as much as the next teen but that's what bad porn is for. And then there's that political battle within yourself of whether or not to remove your tag. If you do and the other person doesn't; you look rude and ashamed. If you don't and the other person does; you feel hurt and ashamed. Really the whole thing is another example of the blatant disregard for decency in the youth of today.
And on that note, and as it's National Non-Smoking day I’d just like to say 'Fuck off I’m going for a fag.'
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